Thursday, May 04, 2006
March of the boxes
Yay! My stuff is here! The movers got here last night, which kinda pissed me off because A) They were supposed to call 1 day in advance so DH could take the day off and B) They came at 7:30 pm. Umm hi, I have kids I'd like to get to bed. And with how crappy I feel, who wants to guess how much I wanted to be moving boxes/unpacking until midnight? I'll give you 2 guesses.

But YAY my clothes are here, my shoes, my 25 bottles of body wash and shampoo and my fancy undies. My crock pot and ACTUAL dishes. My gosh, I was getting so very tired of looking at Spongebob at every meal. The list is endless really of all the normal household things I have now and the joy I feel.

So I will leave you with this gem:

I'm thinking it's not so much going home to OC that I want. I think it's the feeling of knowing where I am. Having friends. Having my mom. Having a house that's (semi) orderly. Know what I mean. I miss the feeling so intensely, not the place.... hmmmmm.


Blogger CrunchyCon said...

Honey, I'm so with you on the last comment. ((hugs))

As for your stuff - ABOUT FUCKING TIME!

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