Not just one of my favorite Cure Album but also a good description of how I feel today. I'm sick. F-ing Pacific North WET. I think my oldest is sick, either that or he is about to morph into a gremlin. I'm not hungry, good thing because I still haven't been shopping. Oops. And I think I'm taking too many painkillers. But WTH. I don't feel good and I want to go home. I know, I said the other day I was getting used to the idea of living here, didn't you read the title of my post. Sheesh. I hate the rain. I hate the lack of ANYTHING to do. There isn't even a drive thru donut shop here for craps sake. I can name 3 back home. Within 1 mile of my house. What's that you say? Donuts are unhealthy? Well so is my f-ing attitude when I haven't had my sugar fix, so now what? And DH has cut off my $9.00 a day Starbucks hit. "Just for now" I need that Starbucks because I'm pretty sure the 2 Red Bulls I've been drinking everyday for 3 years have given me an ulcer.

Awwww honey. I SO feel ya! I'm still not use to the lack of good restaurants and the weather that cannot decide to be hot or wet.
Look at the brightside: at least you are not pregnant with twins!
I love you!
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