Monday, October 30, 2006
Thank you TRU
Thank you Toys R Us for sending that giant, shiny, 50-paged ad to my home in this Sunday's newpaper. It was so thoughtful how you placed it right in the middle of my Sunday coupons. Right where my 6 year old just couldn't miss it. And so helpful how you included that blurb on the front page instructing said 6 year old to just check the YES box next to the toys he wants. Yes thank you for all the overpriced, battery operated junk. The kind of toys with no off switch that I will inevitably step on on my way to pee at 2 a.m. The kind that will sound like the detonation of a WWII land mine.

Thank you for the educational toys as well. That are so expensive my husband and I will need to take out a second mortgage just to pay for them.



Blogger CrunchyCon said...

OH! You got that too? DH and I were drooling over the $100 dollhouse for little girl.


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