Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Well thankfully my disappointment over the recent elections is overshadowed by my impending vacation!!! Yipppppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! We will hit up Disneyland (for free since BIL works there) I can't wait to drop the kids with my mom, grab my DH and take a drive down PCH (Pacific Coast Highway), just like we used to as teenagers. Down to the Balboa Pennisula and back up to at least Newport. We have this place by Crystal Cove in Newport Beach. I'm pretty sure it's the official makeout spot for South OC kids LMAO But it overlooks the tidepools and jetty off PCH and Marguerite, the one with a lighthouse. It's so quiet and beautiful. I can't wait. I can't wait to spend ALL of Sunday night with Mindy. No kids, just us on her porch, sipping Starbucks liquor and eventually champagne. She has a heater out there on the porch, so we should stay warm. Despite to 70 degree weather. LMAO

There are other things we will do, but these are what I'm waiting for....

Thursday, November 02, 2006
We be "illin"
Is that even the right spelling? LOL Oh well. I feel like C-R-A-P. My body hurts and my head hurts and my throat hurts. Thank God for nap time. And the promise of Nyquil tonight. Ahhh.

Come Undone
Does it seem to anyone else that our country is unraveling at lightning speed? I mean we are all at each others throats about "the issues" Don't get me wrong, I stand to the Right and I am passionate about my beliefs. But all this name-calling, the implication that such and such group is stupid because they don't believe like I do. The anger and violence. It's just so out of control. It's crazy. We are all in this together, like it or not. And we are not going to change anything for the better if we don't stop tearing each other to pieces.
