Friday, March 31, 2006
B turns 2!

My baby is TWO today!!! Yay! I swear, time really does go faster as you get older. Or maybe just once you are a parent. I really can't fathom how my newborn turned into the toddler overnight. Or at least it feels like overnight. So how about recapping B's life story? Ok!

Dh and I won a trip for 4 days to see the X-Games in L.A. Not overly exotic since we were living in Orange County, but hey, it was free. And we got to stay at Le Marigot . Anyhow, it was open bar everynight and I just couldn't hang. My Cosmo was too strong, I wasn't in the mood for beer etc. Then I got the mother of all colds. I thought I was dying LOL I ended going home to our then 3 year old and sending DH's brother in my place. 2 weeks later I still feel like I could croak. So I say to DH either I'm pregnant or terminal. I go buy a HPT and low and behold... it's POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!

A week later we have a miscarriage scare. I am shuttled to 2 different docs for ultrasounds, too early to see anything with both. They send me to another doc for bloodwork. I come in 2 days later for more bloodwork, point being that my HCG levels should double or triple in 2 days based on my LMP. The nurse calls me and says it's not good news. The levels hadn't even doubled. I need to come back in ASAP for another U/S.

I spend that night in tears, positive that this baby DH and I have been wanting for 19 months (TTC) is not meant to be.

I go into the U/S and of course the tech turns the screen away from me and doesn't say ANYTHING. Just pokes around and makes notes. She leaves and I get dressed.

She comes back in a few minutes later with pictures of my perfectly healthy baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well fetus anyhow LOL With a good strong heartbeat. Turns out I was more like 9 weeks rather then the 6 weeks I had told them. Oops. Apparently that changes the HCG level scale.

My 14 week U/S shows the baby in there spinning. Literally doing somersaults. But healthy.

I go on to have a fairly uncomplicated pregnancy.

March 31, 2004 at 2:53 p.m. B makes his entrance into the world at 6lbs 9 oz and 18 inches long. He is 2 weeks early but doing great.

Cut to today. A beautiful, energetic, smart, awesome toddler. Spirited. That's the PC term for a kid who misbehaves right? He means well but is so stubborn.

I wouldn't trade him for the world. :o)

I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

New Furniture Pics

Not the worlds greatest pics, but man the lighting sucks here! LOL Damn GREY SKIES. So this is (obviously) our couch and dining room table, we also have a loveseat but it is just a semi-smaller version of the couch so I didn't take a pic. These are really the most exciting pieces... LOL

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
We got furniture today! Yes! Now we are living like normal human beings and not cave people. There is still the matter of a bank account balance of -$131.00 but hey! You can't have it all right? What do these kids want? Nice couches AND food? Actually had I known about the series of events that took down our bank account like a hungry pack of lions on a zebra I wouldn't have sprung for the sage green suede couch and matching loveseat. But I did and now DH and I are watching our online bank statements with a mixture of fascination and horror, much like one watches National Geographic.

Tomorrow is a new day right? :o/

Our Big Move

So here we are in Washington! The drive up from CA was pretty uneventful. Which you have to admit is saying alot considering the passengers included a 6 year old boy, a 2 year old boy and our 8 week old puppy. Everyone pretty much behaved. Except me, who took every rest stop as an opportunity to cry. We did however get a chance to visit with MIL and my friend Yvonne, who moved to OR a couple years back with her 2 kids. She let us crash there for the night. We had an awesome breakfast and I would like to thank her for getting me hooked on espresso. LOL

Here is a pic of Lake Shasta in Northern CA. Gorgeous huh?

Sunday, March 12, 2006
Of course my blog is pink, did you expect different? I guess I am going to jump on the bandwagon so to speak and start up a blog. I can't promise the I will be funny or witty, but at the very least I hope I can provide a little amusment.

My house is in a state of total disarray which of course has me stressed out. I hate moving and I especially hate moving to a new state. Ok so I've never actually moved to a new state but I just know that it's going to suck. So what if I'm pessimistic. Bite me.

Ok ok it's not really you or anyone else that I'm mad at I'm just a basketcase right now....
