Monday, October 30, 2006
Thank you TRU
Thank you Toys R Us for sending that giant, shiny, 50-paged ad to my home in this Sunday's newpaper. It was so thoughtful how you placed it right in the middle of my Sunday coupons. Right where my 6 year old just couldn't miss it. And so helpful how you included that blurb on the front page instructing said 6 year old to just check the YES box next to the toys he wants. Yes thank you for all the overpriced, battery operated junk. The kind of toys with no off switch that I will inevitably step on on my way to pee at 2 a.m. The kind that will sound like the detonation of a WWII land mine.

Thank you for the educational toys as well. That are so expensive my husband and I will need to take out a second mortgage just to pay for them.


Friday, October 27, 2006
Photo shoot by Michael

Adventures in Babysitting
Just FYI when one baby removes his diaper and runs around screaming, the other two babies are compelled to also remove their diapers and run around screaming. So not only am I wondering what the neighbors think (I have a huge window in the living room), my eardrums are also bleeding.

Is 6 1/2 years old, right? Not 16, not 26, hell not even double digits. But just TRY telling him that. Ever since he started first grade, found friends on our street and started taking the bus to and from school.. well he thinks he is the baddest mo-fo in Seattle. Starting Monday of this week he was no longer allowed to play his Gameboy with his friends on the front porch. Why? Because not once, not twice, but THREE times I walked outside to check on him and found him halfway up the block, chasing his buddies. After he was given specific instructions to STAY ON THE PORCH. So now he has gotten that privledge revoked. He struts around here telling me what he is going to do...

Michael: I'm going to paint my dragons now.

Me: No, Michael. Please wait until tomorrow so Dad can take Benjamin outside or something where he won't bother you.

Michael: *huge sigh* Oh Mom, I told you IT'S FINE. I'll lay some newspaper down and it will be ok.

Me: Um, no. I said wait.

Michael: It's not that big of a deal MOM. It'll be ok!!! *exasperation dripping from every word*

You will note now that the box of dragons remains unopened on top of the fridge, waiting for paint. And the child in question remains in his closet, waiting for food. Just kidding. Kinda.

He invites his friends in, serves them our food, takes them into my bedroom for tours. Lets them borrow his Gameboy. (I nipped that in the bud)

Sweet jiminy, what am I in for when he really is a teenager???????

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Online friends specifically. Who knew? Who knew I could feel so close to a group of women I never met, many of whom I will never meet. We have seen each other through birth, through death, been there for the ups and the downs. Provided steadfast support to each other no matter what. I am eternally grateful for all of you!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Nutritionists around the world are crying
I'm pretty sure this is not any healthy, normal persons idea of a pre-workout snack. 'Cept me.

I had TWO

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Back from my break
I took a blogging break. There has really been nothing new to report that I hadn't already shared on the board. But I was gently reminded that I am due for an update. LOL Thanks CK.

I could drone on and on about how much better I am feeling about everything. Because really I am. I must have been in some state of depression for many years now because I am functioning on a level I thought I would never get to again. So that is good.

But mostly I wanted to share this. I have found something here in Washington that I would never have found in California. I am needed. More then I need from others. I am no longer the child out here. I am an adult on my own 2 feet and not only do other people count on me, I am capable of being counted on.
