Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Old friends new friends, pink friends blue friends
Repost from my MySpace blog, but I'm opening it up for comments here. I know you won't know anyone who I'm talking about but I want your opinions nonetheless....

So if you really want to know what happened to me that made me disappear the last time, I'll you this much: My husband got super pissed over a friend on my list that he felt was inappropriate. Was he right? Probably. We are married and I knew this person would bother him. Did I behave inappropriately? No, I would say not. But anyhow.

This then turned from one person in particular to an interrogation on ALL my male friends. Which leads me to this question. What is the difference between girl friends and boy friends? And why should I be forced to give up contact with people who were a part of my life at one time or another just because of their gender?

Aaron, my gosh we spent 4 years together everyday and had some amazing experiences together. You were my support sometimes and other times just there to laugh with me. I value that even now.

David; we were not friends, although we've known each other since middle school. What I find interesting is how I never managed to cross your path, even though we share some really similar interests, some not so similar but I think you are a cool enough guy.

And Josh. Well, what can I say? You have had a direct impact on my life throughout middle and high school. I can thank you for introducing me to James Taylor and for giving me the memory of you dancing with a laundry basket on your head to my Bob Marley music when you though I wasn't looking. I was. LMAO

So with that being said, what makes you guys any different from my girlfriends? You are part of who I am today in some capacity.
I ask myself if I would feel the same way about him, if he had girl friends? Well I don't know. He doesn't. AT ALL. He doesn't talk about other girls, friends or otherwise. It's as though he was in a basement until he met me, ok so not really. In the beginning of our relationship he told me a little here and there so I know he had plenty of other girls before me. But none that he kept in contact with. If he were to pop off now with a friend, I might be concerned since it's not in his character.

But at least 2 of you I mentioned above have been around before him and throughout our relationship.
I guess my point is that I don't think I should have to give you up. It's not like I'm out making new male friends. You have been there forever.
If you have made it through this long-winded blog post, thank you. You are a saint...

Friday, May 19, 2006
A Question of Lust
I cannot even believe I forgot to wish my two favorite men a Happy Birthday!!!!!

April 21- Happy Birthday Robert Smith!!!!!

May 9- Happy Birthday Dave Gahan!!!!!!

LOL Seriously, yum.

Thursday, May 18, 2006
I put the dog up for adoption Friday. I had only had the ad up for 30 mins when a family contacted me. They live on several acres of land in Auburn, about 2 hours from me. with 2 teenage boys who just lost their dog 4 or 5 months ago to a brain tumor. That dog was 14. I went ahead and set up a meeting and omg the dog LOVED them. The one boy was thrilled, and the father was pretty excited too. So $200 and a handshake later they left with our puppy. I'm not sad. He was 45 lbs at 4 months old and just too damn big for us. He will be so much better off with his new family.

Which leads me to my Mothers Day present. My DH rocks...

Her name is Pepper and she is 7 weeks old. I love her too too much. I am SO HAPPY! I am a cat person all the way and even more so after that asshole dog was here. She is a little princess.

Other then that, nothing much to report. STILL SICK. Now my ear is plugged from the pressure caused by my sinus infection. Oh its great fun. I just can't wait to feel better. My MIL is coming up for a visit, and I know I'll deny saying this once she leaves, but I'm looking forward to it. Mostly the thought of a familiar face. And possibly a dinner out alone with my husband. My goodness, that would be awesome. My mom will be coming out in August, maybe September, she's in the middle of a move so now isn't possible.

So that is all. My online friend is still coping with her last month or so of pregnancy with twin boys. I wish I knew what to say to help her through it but I don't. :o( All I can say is I love you mucho CK and I'm here to listen to you anytime. I don't care if all you want to do is bitch. Let loose.

And congrats to the new mamas!!! Welcome to your baby girl and baby boy. I wish you both speedy recoveries. Can't wait to see more pics!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006
So Impossible
I'm still not feeling so great. I am thinking that right now is not a good time to make a decision about going home. I have been sick for over a month, and settling in is ALWAYS hard for She-who-hates-change. (me.) I am looking for a job, like a real job, and daycare for my kids. Hopefully keeping busy will help. If not at least we'll have some extra money to save for a trip home. Because it cost us over $3000 to move up here. Which is not generally an amount we have had on hand to date.

We are not going to buy a house right now either. Our days of impulsive child-like decision making need to come to an end. We are here in Washington. We would rather be back in California, this is true. But we are not. We are here.

Bloom where you're planted.

So on that note I am taking it hour by hour. Reminding myself that being married means sacrifice. Reminding myself that although the prospect of taking my kids and hoping on a plane, leaving DH here, is tempting; when I said "I do" I said I'd be his partner in life. I said I'd be here no matter what, beside him. I didn't say "as long as it's just what I want" Too bad. I should have included that clause. Foolish girl.

Ok enough sap and fluff. Basically I am trying to grow up. And it's hard, and awkward, and uncomfortable, and painful. But its life.

The end.

Monday, May 08, 2006
I'm Not Crazy
I'm just a little unwell. Turns out I have a sinus infection. Well zippity do freakin da. B has an ear infection to go along with it. Turns out my pampered OC weather lovin ass just can't handle all the rain. I have literally been sick since we got here. So I write my DH and tell him about our latest maladies and he writes back:


Which basically means the big baby wants to go back as bad as I do but that just wouldn't be manly so he's gotta pin it on me. See how he escapes all wrongdoing? "Oh *I* was fine but Lisa and the kids were miserable." "We'd have a house by now but YOU wanted to come back to CA and struggle"

I don't know, maybe that's unfair of me. But dodging guilt is his usual M.O. So what do I do? I told him I don't have a short answer. We need to sit down and talk. Going home will mean him leaving his job. I'm pretty sure a mature, responsible adult would say "stick it out"

Sadly, I am none of those things. Except an adult, by force though. I in no way ever chose to turn 25...

Bah. I'm sick. Can't someone just wave a magic wand and I'll wake up back home LMAO Living my life like the "Real Housewives of Orange County" because I AM all of those things!

So after a brief online consultation with a friend, I think we should use our last 3 months here in WA before our lease is up looking for a new job for DH back in California. I may even look at getting a job myself. I will give an update after we talk...

Saturday, May 06, 2006
Insomniac Theatre
Will someone PLEASE remind me that although he did barf, and although it was super traumatizing, I do not need to sleep with the child. Nor do I need to bolt upright, heart thudding, at every.single.sound he makes. Nor do I need to be rationalizing the point that just staying up and playing the Sims 2 Nightlife would be easier then trying to go back to sleep. Say it with me... put the baby in bed, cover. Walk away from the bed, climb into your own and SLEEP until someone calls you. Repeat as needed.

Thursday, May 04, 2006
March of the boxes
Yay! My stuff is here! The movers got here last night, which kinda pissed me off because A) They were supposed to call 1 day in advance so DH could take the day off and B) They came at 7:30 pm. Umm hi, I have kids I'd like to get to bed. And with how crappy I feel, who wants to guess how much I wanted to be moving boxes/unpacking until midnight? I'll give you 2 guesses.

But YAY my clothes are here, my shoes, my 25 bottles of body wash and shampoo and my fancy undies. My crock pot and ACTUAL dishes. My gosh, I was getting so very tired of looking at Spongebob at every meal. The list is endless really of all the normal household things I have now and the joy I feel.

So I will leave you with this gem:

I'm thinking it's not so much going home to OC that I want. I think it's the feeling of knowing where I am. Having friends. Having my mom. Having a house that's (semi) orderly. Know what I mean. I miss the feeling so intensely, not the place.... hmmmmm.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
When good flowers go bad
I'm dying, my 6 y/o is dying. The only people left will be DH and B. Oh and that damn dog, he'll outlive us all.
I'm off to the store to find Benedryl, non-drowsy and regular. *sigh* If the movers would GET HERE with our stuff I'd have a whole mini pharmacy of allergy meds, but since they are exactly 8 days late, I have nothing.
And you may be asking yourself "How much more bitching can she possibly do?"
I assure you. Lots. I'm a crybaby like that.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Beavis and Butthead Do My Blog
Him: The house looks nice.

Me: Thanks, I need you to do the dishes though. I was going to, but I sort of petered out.

Him: He he he you said "peter"

Seriously. Lame.

Monday, May 01, 2006
Look Mama, no hands!
